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Trick or Treat Chore Game


Activity Overview

This activity is a great way to tackle a to do list as a family that creates a fun and exciting atmosphere while still getting the job done. Sometimes the to do list for mom and dad can overshadow the fun that you want to make time for as a family. This activity gets everyone to pitch in so that there is always time for family fun.

In this activity, you will break down your to do list into smaller household tasks that the ages of your children can participate in and accomplish in 10 minutes. Select one game of choice card to hide and/or a treat or two. Lay out bowls or cups on the table with slips of paper underneath with tricks or treats underneath them. Set them up in groups for each person if the age and capability level greatly differs.

Family members each select a cup or bowl and see what the slip says. If they get a small novelty toy or a treat such as free time, he or she gets that 10 minute segment off. Set the timer for 10 minutes while everyone races the the clock to get the tasks completed. If someone gets their small task done early, they can pitch in to help another family member tackle theirs until the timer goes off. There should be one person who uncovers a family game or activity for all to enjoy after the tasks are completed as a family.

Materials Needed

  • Assorted cups or bowls
  • Slips of paper
  • A writing utensil
  • Some treats ( can be an activity written on paper, a small novelty toy, or snack)
  • A timer

How to Play

  1. Set up a variety of cups or bowls on the table and place a job or a treat or fun family activity or a game of choice card underneath each cup or bowl. If you have a wide range of ages in your family, then you may want to set up tiers of cups with a small row for each age appropriate person.

  2. Each person chooses a mystery cup to start with, the time gets set for 10 minutes and everyone gets to work.

  3. If they get a treat underneath the cup that they choose, then they get that 10 minute segment free to enjoy their treat.

  4. When the timer goes off,it is time to swap jobs. Choose the next cup or bowl of your choice.

  5. If the game of choice card is selected, it is set aside until all of the tasks are completed and then the family fun time can begin!

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Giving the little ones a laugh
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