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Linking Paperclips and Elastic Bands Trick


Activity Overview

Magic and Science often intertwine with one another. This is true for this linking rubber bands and paper clips trick. This fun trick is certain to wow your audience and is recommended for school aged children and older.

Practice this one ahead of time to become adept at placing the paper clips and elastic bands in the proper positions. In this amazing trick,the force of pulling the ends of the dollar bill and the position of the elastic bands and paper clips causes them to link with one another.

Materials Needed

  • 2 thin elastic bands
  • 2 metal paperclip
  • A dollar bill

How to Do It

  1. Place a rubberband around each end of a dollar bill.
  2. Next fold the dollar bill into thirds, making an accordion fold but not creasing the folds.
  3. The rubber bands should fall in the non creased fold overs of the bill.
  4. Now add paperclips as shown in the photo above. One attaches to the front flap and first loop and the other attaches to the back flap and the back paper loop.
  5. Pull each end of the bill apart and .
  6. Gently remove the elastic bands to see that they have linked to the ends of two linking paperclips and have formed a chain.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
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